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e-cigarette_2781811bRecent surveys have shown that electronic cigarettes don’t make teens to become tobacco cigarette smokers. Many teenagers have tried electronic cigarettes, but only a few of them become their regular users, but the scientists from the Cardiff University assert that these devices did not cause nicotine dependence.The Disease Control and Prevention Center’s research data showed that the number of adolescents who used electronic cigarettes, has tripled in just one year. Electronic cigarettes are the most commonly used smoking products among adolescents, surpassing all current tobacco products, including tobacco cigarettes.

The controversy over the use of electronic cigarettes is carried out within several years. Initially, this product was launched as a device, that can help to quit smoking. The experts “raised the alarm”, because the electronic cigarettes have become a fashionable device, popular among adolescents who have never smoked.

According to some reports, instead of helping to quit smoking, e-cigarettes, on the contrary, accustom young people to tobacco cigarettes. Scientists from the University of Cardiff partially confirmed this view. They found that a significant number of teens who had never smoked, have tried electronic cigarettes.

Thus, in the age group of 10 to 11 years as much as 6% teens have tried e-cigarettes, in the age group of 15 to 16 years – more than 50%. However, only 1.5% of children and adolescents aged 11 to 16 years have begun to use electronic cigarettes regularly, that is, at least once a month. According to the research authors, these electronic devices practically do not contribute to the development of nicotine addiction in adolescents.

Moreover, was found that the aromatic substances in electronic cigarettes in many cases, can exceed the recommended level, consequently, they can cause serious respiratory problems. These substances contribute to the fact that adolescents start vaping electronic cigarettes permanently – affirm the scientists from the University of Portland in the US.

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