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The resistance or wick is an essential consumable of our machines, indeed it is this one which heats and vaporizes the liquid. 

What is the lifespan of a resistor for a clearomizer? How long does it take before replacing its resistance?

These are the most frequently asked questions by vapers. 

What is a resistor? 

A coil usually comes in the form of a small metal cylinder that attaches to the device’s clearomizer or atomizer. It is a consumable, that is to say, a device which has a limited lifespan and which must be changed regularly.

The coil is the part of the cigarette that heats and vaporizes the liquid. There are several types of resistors, of different values.

The value of a resistor is indicated in Ohms. The resistance value in Ohms is inversely proportional to the power of your electronic cigarette, i.e. the lower the resistance value, the more powerful your electronic cigarette.

A low resistance produces more HIT and vapour but requires more energy and therefore more battery power.

Concretely, how does it work? 

Concretely in the resistance, we find a material that captures the liquid (cotton) and a resistive wire.

The liquid contained in the tank is captured by the capillarity of the cotton and then heated by the resistive wire which heats thanks to the power of the battery.

In the end, resistance can be summed up by a piece of heated metal which vaporizes the product. This is why we do not speak of smoke but vapour because in electronic cigarettes there is no combustion but just heating. 

How do you know if you need to change the resistor? 

There are several symptoms of resistance that weaken depending on your clearomiser, your liquid or your way of vaping.

  • A burnt taste:

A burning taste in your mouth while vaping is the first and most reliable indicator that something is wrong with your coil.

It doesn’t matter what kind of liquid you used, that’s the sure sign.

This is the time when you must act quickly and replace the resistance immediately if you do not want to see leaks appear. You can try cleaning it to see if the taste persists; however, in most cases, once it has reached this point, the resistance has already degraded.

Note: if the taste of burning is very powerful, it is better to clean the clearomiser to eliminate any odours that may remain.

  • The liquid doesn’t taste like it’s supposed to:

Another indicator of a failing coil is when the e-liquid doesn’t taste like it’s supposed to, or with much less flavour, aroma and fineness. In this case, the coil may start to degrade and you will need to replace it before the burnt taste.

  • Leaks appear:

A leaking e-cigarette can have several causes:

Reservoir overflow, worn seal or faulty resistor.

You can take a look inside and assess if the resistor looks damaged or burned before moving on to other possible options for the leak.

Note: It is rare for a seal to fail overnight, in most cases it is a resistance problem. 

  • The electronic cigarette has remained unused for a long time: 

If your vape has been inactive for some time (more than a month), it is better to replace it because it may not be at the top of its abilities and quickly cause leaks or a strange taste.

After how long should it be changed? 

Not an easy question and there is no universal answer, in fact depending on your liquid (more or less concentrated in aromas or nicotine), your machine, the power setting or your drawing style, the lifespan can range from single to triple. 

For example, a vaper underdosed in nicotine and who will tend to pull harder and longer may have to change it every week. 

On the contrary, a person with the right dosage and who is careful never to leave the tank without liquid can change resistance only once a month! 

Note: at first you may tend to burn them faster. This is especially true when you are a cigarette smoker, at first you tend to pull harder.

Some tips to keep your resistance longer: 

  • Choosing the right nicotine dosage: See our article on nicotine dosage.
  • Avoid liquids with more than 50% vegetable glycerin if you use an indirect inhalation atomizer such as Nautilus or Zenith.
  • Conversely, to avoid this time leaks and not the burnt resistance, do not use liquids with more than 50% propylene glycol in atomizers in a direct inhalation type Zeus or SKRR. 
  • Comply with the power recommendations indicated.
  • Do not vape with too low a liquid level.
  • Turn off your electronic cigarette during transport to prevent it from activating in your pocket or bag. 
  • Wait 10min for the resistor to soak in before using it (when new).
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