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My first Electronic Cigarette

How to choose an e-cigarette – very interesting question for those who want to switch to electronic smoking.

Design and battery
By this principle often are guided all new users during the first purchase. Many people want e-cigarette to look like a real tobacco cigarette, but at the same time elegant, subtle, with interesting decorative details. There are a lot of such models in the market. But exists a few principal rules: the thinner and smaller is your e-cigarette – the less battery capacity it has, this leads to resulting disadvantages:

– The need for constant recharging
– A small amount of vapour and weak taste
– Fastest wearability of the battery (due to frequent recharging).
So before you buy an electronic cigarette, be sure to ask about the capacity of its batteries. From 180mAh and less is not worth to buying it.

E-cigarette management Electronic cigarettes can have automatic or manual control. Those automatically start working while puffing it, and off after you stop vaping. Models with manual control have on their case a button, which switch them on and off.

The e-cigarette user’s practice shown, that the manual switching is more convenient: it is possible to control the duration of puffing, can be easily cleaned the atomizers by burning, in addition, a button on the case does not allow to cigarette to roll off from the table.

Atomizer – this is one of the main e-cig parts, from it depends the amount of vapor that will produce your e-cigarette, its taste and the overall sensations from vaping process. Atomizers come in set with e-cigarettes, but in some models atomizers (clearomizers) are interchangeable, and with the help of some special adapters can be easily screwed on another cigarette atomizers.

The best electronic cigarette atomizers are considered 510, 801 and 901 series, as well as their low-resistance variants marked by additional symbols LR. Also you need to remember that different atomizers have different requirements for battery capacity.

Smoking style
Before choosing the e-cigarette for example as a gift, you should consider how long a person smokes and what cigarette strength he prefers, and what goal he want to acquire while switching to e-smoking.

For those who smoke frequently and heavily it is better to choose battery mods (like ProVari, Hana mod, Vamo, Caravela, Hammer Mod, etc). They provide the highest need for a good vapor for a long time without recharging.

If you smoke not so intense, but a sense of “throat hit” are important, you can use: eGo, eGo-T, Janty Stick, Joye Stick models.
If you buy e-cigarette as a stylish fashion accessory, and you will smoke it from time to time, it is quite possible to get models most similar in appearance to analog cigarettes as Joye, Vapourlites, Ritchy, Fresh, Pons, BLU, Gamucci, and other well-known brands.

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